Coming to Dorset soon……GroundWork on Tour!
EXHIBITION and EVENTS 31 May – 9 June 2024
The Ground Beneath Our Feet – GroundWork Gallery on Tour
To launch its new GroundWork Network, the gallery dedicated to the environment, based in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, is visiting Amanda Wallwork’s studio for DAW this year.
During summer 2023, Amanda was in residence at the gallery and this exhibition brings together works made by fellow artists in response to the residency theme: The Ground Beneath Our Feet. Linking to the theme of Extraction, Art on the Edge of the Abyss, launched in 2021 in Montana, United States, stimulating a growing community of artists, ecologists and geologists to consider how we respond to the ways in which we exploit and nurture the earth’s resources.
Amanda Wallwork @amanda_wallwork
Caroline Chouler-Tissier @carolinechoulertissier
Heidi McEvoy Swift @mcmcswift
Henny Burnett @hennyburnett
Jane Scobie @janescobieartist
Kathryn Parsons @kathrynparsonsartist
Kelly Hill @kellyhillphoto
Lucy Dukes @lucyjmd_
Sam Hodge @samhodgeart
Sophie Marritt @sophiemarritt
Sophy King @sophykingart
Valerie Price
Exhibition Open: 11am – 4pm on Fri 31 May, Sat 1, Sun 2 June and Fri 7, Sat 8, Sun 9 June Other days/times by arrangement contact Amanda on info@amandawallwork.com 07816 224015
Art & Environment Discussion: Friday 31May
Artist Talks: Saturday 1 and 8 June
Geology Walk with Sam Scriven and GroundWork artists: Thursday 6 June
For details and booking information please email info@amandawalllwork.com
Top Floor Studio, The Old Timber Yard,West Bay, West Bay Road,Bridport, Dorset DT6 4EL
Access: stairs to venue
Directions: Old Timber Yard located next to Haddon House Hotel, West Bay Rd.
Parking available in yard.